Nature's I.Q. : Extraordinary Animal Behaviors that Defy Evolution
Author: Istvan Tasi
Publisher: Torchlight Publications
Format: Hardback
Darwin’s theory of evolution is commonly accepted as the explanation for the diversity of life. It's expected that insects, birds, and mammals each display behavior typical to their kind, often driven by instinct. But how do these animals know exactly when and how to act? Where does the intelligence evident in nature come from? Is it really accurate to believe that inert matter (which lacks consciousness) somehow developed intelligence over time?
Evolutionists try to account for behavioral patterns by suggesting they evolved gradually from simpler behaviors. However, this approach falls short when it comes to explaining complex animal behaviors. Nature’s IQ, with its captivating photography and striking examples, invites readers to consider an alternative explanation: Could it be that our world reflects a supernatural intelligence that has used its boundless creativity to shape the living world? The book reveals why the popular evolutionary explanation fails to account for these extraordinary behaviors.