Sri Prema Bhakti Candrika - Moonrays of Loving Devotion
Translation and purports by: Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
Editor: Kesidamana Dasa
Translated by: Bhumipati Dasa
Introduction by: Isvara Dasa
Publisher: Touchstone Media
Format: Paperback
Prema Bhakti Candrika is an important book for anyone who wants to grow their love for Krishna. It's one of the most important works by Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, a Vaisnava saint and scholar who lived a little over four hundred years ago. He wrote many songs filled with teachings, but among them, Prarthana and Sri Prema Bhakti-Candrika stand out.
Sri Prema Bhakti-Candrika, also known as Sri Rupanuga-Gita, captures the essence of the teachings of Lord Krishna's incarnation for the age of Kaliyuga, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Its name literally means "the rays of moonlight of loving devotional service to Lord Krishna." This book includes the original Bengali text, transliterations, word-for-word meanings, English translations, and explanations by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura.